Wednesday, 7 March 2012

New Smileys in Facebook without using any App

Facebook , the Best Social networking Site in the Web . And the Remarkable Chat Feature , in 
which we people chat with our Friends . The First Smileys of Facebook were the Happy – :D , 
Woot- O.o , Glasses – 8) , Sad – :( , Crying – :’( and they were boring . Now there are New Smileys introduced in Facebook .  Do you know , you can create your Own Facebook Smileys :

Eager to know those Smileys ? Here they are :

  1. [[f9.laugh]]
  2. [[f9.sad]]
  3. [[f9.angry]]
  4. [[f9.sleepy]]
  5. [[f9.shock]]
  6. [[f9.kiss]]
  7. [[f9.inlove]]
  8. [[]]
  9. [[]]
  10. [[f9.rain]]
  11. [[f9.bomb]]
  12. [[f9.sun]]
  13. [[f9.heart]]
  14. [[f9.heartbreak]]
  15. [[]]
  16. [[f9.ghost]]
  17. [[f9.brb]]
  18. [[]]
  19. [[]]
  20. ‎[[f9.adore]]
  21. [[f9.angel]]
  22. [[f9.baloons]]
  23. [[f9.bowl]]
  24. [[f9.cake]]
  25. [[f9.callme]]
  26. [[f9.clap]]
  27. [[f9.confused]]
  28. [[f9.curllip]]
  29. [[f9.devilface]]
  30. [[f9.lying]]
  31. [[f9.rofl]]
  32. [[f9.billiard]]
  33. [[f9.cakepiece]]
  34. [[f9.rosedown]]
  35. [[f9.shutmouth]]
  36. [[f9.shy]]
  37. [[f9.silly]]
  38. [[f9.tongue1]]
  39. [[f9.fastfood]]
  40. [[f9.ring]]
  41. [[f9.plate]]
  42. [[f9.candle]]
  43. [[]]

Screenshots of those Smileys :
Smileys FacebookSmileys Facebook

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